Current Musical Obsession: Neon Neon
As you will surely come to know, I am a huge fan of Welsh band Super Furry Animals. After years of releasing new music, SFA took a...
Mixed Blessings
Sometimes change comes when you aren't expecting it. Sometimes it comes when you are. Sometimes both happen at the same time and you...
Martha Stewart's Perfect Mac and Cheese
I want to start the cooking page off strong, with one of my go-to recipes when I want to impress, Martha's Perfect Mac and Cheese. Now,...
"Bad Street" by Twin Sister
I really like it when songs build, swell, give me goosebumps via headphones. This song does that. Methinks the video is not on the same...
Current Musical Obsession: Twin Sister
I'll admit, I only found Twin Sister after seeing the new(ish) Veronica Mars movie, in which the singer has a small role (played by...
Oscars 2014: Lupita Nyong'o in Prada
Lupita Nyong'o in Prada wearing Fred Leighton jewels. #fashion #oscars
Oscars 2014: My favorite and least favorite looks
I'll be honest with you, I don't watch a lot good movies these days. In my opinion, most "good" movies- the kind that get Oscar nods, at...
All Smiles in Fern Canyon
One last shot of friends looking happy. #misc #travel #camping
Fern Canyon Wall
Another photo from my trip to Fern Canyon in the Prarie Creek Redwoods State Park. #camping #misc #travel
Fern Canyon Trip
The very first thing I wanted to share with you were a few photos from a trip I took last year with some amazing friends. T took us down...