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Web Awesomeness: The Bloggess

Let's face it, guys, there are so many bloggers out there and many of them are awesome and funny and unique and I can't even pretend to count myself in that column at this point, because then I'd be a smug jerk. I think the first time I really really enjoyed a blog it was this post by The Bloggess, in which she buys a 5 foot tall metal chicken just to spite her husband. Her writing kept me laughing aloud, and the way she thought about her enormous prank was somewhat diabolical and awesome and I immediately wanted to be her friend.

She's come a long way since the story of the metal chicken (named Beyoncé), publishing a book of amazing life stories, and continuing to provide her readers with funny blog posts. But what I really love about The Bloggess Jenny Lawson is that she shares not only the good times but the bad with her readers. Not in an over-dramatic, "the world is out to get me" sort of way, but in a very real way, as she is open about her struggle with depression and sometimes writes through it, and always offers support to those going through the same thing, myself included.

She combines bizarre and irreverent humor with a desire to help people get through their hard times. No wonder I want to be her friend.

Her portrait here is by conceptual photographer Brooke Shaden, and shows The Bloggess as the "Bluebird of Happiness."

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